The Eleventh Doctor Stories


The 11th Doctor

Matt Smith (2010 - 2014)

Five years into the relaunch of Doctor Who, a massive shift in the show brought in a new head writer, new production team, and a new doctor. Matt Smith’s tenure in the Tardis expanded the show’s popularity and continued to explore new frontiers while honoring the show’s history. Along with Smith were memorial companions Amy and Rory who crafted a Tardis team as tight as any crew to step aboard the majestic blue box.


 Series 5

The Eleventh Hour

Crank it up to 11. This week we meet the 11th Doctor, along with his new companion, new Tardis, new sonic screwdriver, new... everything! We're talking about the premier episode of Series 5, The Eleventh Hour.


The Beast Below

This week we're talking about episode 2 from Series 5, The Beast Below. It's like having a monster in your basement, except the real monster is your parents who are upstairs. Well... It's hard to sum up here, so take a listen to our recap. 


Victory of the Daleks

The Doctor got his makeover, and so did the Tardis. This week, our hero's oldest foes get their own makeover. We also head back in time and meet Winston Churchill. It's a jam packed adventure (literally in the case of the cookie [sorry biscuit]), and we'll unpack all of it.

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Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone

River Song returns this week to join the Doctor and Amy. Together, our trio takes on the Weeping Angels! It's an exciting action/adventure two-parter complete with quarries and corridors. Buckle up for Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone.


Vampires of Venice

It’s a city of love, and water, and fish-aliens. We’re talking about Vampires of Venice this week! Rory joins Amy and the Doctor for this adventure as they face-off against some folks with nasty teeth. If only Rory were a dentist…


Amy’s Choice

You'd think choosing between a time traveling alien and a grown man with a ponytail would be easy. But when you throw in an entity that controls dreams, a cold star and elderly aliens... things get complicated. This week we're talking about Amy's Choice.


The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

We're back into New Who and the Silurians are back with a new look, but they're also back with the same problems with humans. And who can blame them, humans are still pretty terrible. Luckily the Doctor and his companions are good. This week we talk about the Chris Chibnall penned two parter, The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood.


Vincent and the Doctor

Did you know that in addition to being an amazing painter, Vincent Van Gogh fought monsters? Well, maybe you should read a book. In the meantime, take a listen to this week's episode from Series 5 Vincent and the Doctor.


The Lodger

**Looking for a Flatmate**

Good standing, non-smoker, must be able to stop time loops caused by a broken make-shift Tardis.

This week we're talking about the Lodger. It's a love story with a heap of comedy and fun, and of course some good ol' sci-fi!


The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang

The cracks in time and space, and exploding Tardis, Amy's wedding, all of it comes to a head in this rip roaring two part finale! Join us this week for end of Series 5, The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang.


Series 5 Recap

This week we take a look back at Series 5. Everyone we met, all the adventures we had and all the new in-jokes we created get revisited one more time before we continue onward. 
We had our thoughts on Series 5, what did you think of it?


 Series 6

A Christmas Carol

We're officially in the Christmas season. And to get into the spirit, the Doctor is bringing some spirits! Christmas Spirits specifically, not booze... well maybe later. This week we're watching the 11th Doctor's first Christmas special, A Christmas Carol. If you like the classic Charles Dickens story, then you'll love this episode. So throw on your ugliest Christmas sweater and give this episode a listen while you slam down the egg nog. 


The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon

Don't blink! Well, actually blinking might be ok. But don't look away! Well, this is a podcast so maybe that's not the best advice either. Whatever. Welcome to Series 6! We start this series off with a bang (in more ways than one!). Join us for this exciting two parter that introduces us to a new foe and a lot of story lines to tackle as time goes one.


The Curse of the Black Spot

Avast ye podcast listeners! Come hear a tale of the Doctor and his crew as they fight off the clutches of a deadly siren out on the open seas. And the Earl of Grantham is along for the adventure (or Mr. Brown for you Paddington fans)!


The Doctor’s Wife

Amy and Rory go on a double date with the Doctor and the Tardis! Well, it's as close to a double date as you'll get on a show that's full of aliens, adventure, and certain doom around every corner. This week we're talking about the Series 6 episode The Doctor's Wife, from writer Neil Gaiman!


The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People

It's The Prestige meets The Parent Trap, meets Lost Highway meets three confused podcasters. This week we're talking about the Series 6 two-parter, The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People. We give our thoughts on this story, but we want to hear from you (and your doppelgänger if available).


A Good Man Goes to War

We got something new this series... A mid-series finale! This week is action packed with lots of new friends along for the ride to to kick some butt. We wrap up some storylines, and set the stage for new ones. And on an unrelated note, we get Kris's thoughts on Daredevil.


Let’s Kill Hitler

We're back into Series 6 this week and we're picking up with the second half of the series. Join us as we discuss the plot lines that were tied up, which ones are still out there, and what the heck is up with those jellyfish robots. Let's get weird, let's kill Hitler. 


Night Terrors

If there's something strange, inside your cupboard, who you gonna call?
The Doctor!
He ain't 'fraid no monster.
This week we get to talk about a good ol' fashioned monster episode, Night Terrors.


The Girl Who Waited

Have you ever wondered what Rory would look like with glasses? Well find out this week! Also there's stuff about time and relationships and Amy and robots.
This week we're talking about The Girl Who Waited.


The God Complex

The rooms are full of nightmares and you can never leave. But you won't find a better rate on a hotel room! This week, our heroes meet up with some folks in a space hotel, unfortunately Rory and Amy open up the not-so complimentary mini bar and things head south. Take a listen to a great discussion about The God Complex.


Closing Time

It's a little bit Mr. Mom, a little bit Adventures in Babysitting, and a lot like The Lodger. This week we're talking about Closing Time where we see Craig return to go on another adventure with the Doctor who is, himself, going on his last adventure.


The Wedding of River Song

Remember that one episode of Friends where Ross got married? Who cares, because this wedding episode is nothing like that. It's a mad cap romping adventure through time and space AND it's our Series 6 finale, The Wedding of River Song. Buckle up, it's going to get weird.


Series 6 Recap

We made it! The Doctor is alive and married. The Silence has been dealt with. Amy and Rory are doing Amy and Rory things. And Vince, Beth, and Kris talk about how we got here. All the highs and lows of Series 6 are on the table for this week's discussion. Join us for the talkie talks!


 Series 7

The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

It's Christmas time again aboard the Tardis. On this charming adventure, the Doc takes a World War II era family on an adventure of a life time. AND the Doctor's hearts grow three sizes when he reconnects with Amy and Rory. Pour yourself some eggnog and enjoy the show!


Asylum Of The Daleks

We're kicking off Series 7 with the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, the Daleks, AND SOUFFLES!!! There are a lot of opinions to get through this week on our big discussion of the Series 7 opener, Asylum of the Daleks. 


Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

You know how when you watch Jurassic Park and you think to yourself, "I wish there were robots and spaceships in this too." Well buckle up because this is the episode for you! The next installment from Series 7, it's Dinosaurs on a Spaceship.


A Town Called Mercy

It's a spaghetti western with the ol' Doctor Who spin. Saddle up for another great adventure through time and space with the Who's Doing What Now crew!


The Power of Three

The pitch for this episode, the Doctor fights a box, probably didn't go over too well. Luckily, the end result is better than the pitch. This week the Doc teams up with his faithful companions, Amy and Rory and they settle down for the slow invasion. It's the Power of Three this week!

We failed to make any Three's Company jokes. Our deepest apologies.  But we also avoided making box jokes, so you're welcome.


The Angels Take Manhattan

New York! The city so nice they named it twice. There's the pizza, the theater, the moving statues hell bent on taking your friends from you... That last one doesn't sound so great. We discuss the final adventure with the Ponds this week, The Angels Take Manhattan.


A Pond Farewell

The Ponds have left the Tardis, but we just can't let them go yet. This week we pay tribute to our favorite pair of companions and we also discuss all manner of companion topics. But the fun doesn't stop there, because we dive into some headlines surrounding the upcoming Series 11.


The Snowmen

It doesn't matter if you've been naughty or nice. Evil snow is coming to get you. Clara sort of joins the Tardis crew on the 2012 Christmas special, The Snowmen.


The Bells of Saint John

Third time's a charm! We finally meet Clara Oslwald this week. An old foe shows up with some new tricks, and the Doctor trades in the tweed for a frock. We talk about it all in the Bells of Saint John, along with a special guest companion this week, Tony Mayer! Kris is out of town on vacation, so our good friend Tony is joining us in the interim.


The Rings of Akhaten

It's not quite the musical episode of Doctor Who we were hoping for (ala 6th season of Buffy), but there are some things in this episode that made us go up an octave. Vince, Beth, and special guest host Tony talk about the Rings of Akhaten this week.


Cold War

Kris heard we were doing an episode about the Ice Warriors and decided to come back! This week we travel to the 80s and go straight to the brink of nuclear annihilation, aboard a submarine of all places. Hang on tight, things get wet and wild this week (interpret that phrase as you see fit).



There are a lot of things that can go bump in the night, especially when you live in a house being visited by the Doctor, Clara, an alien and a time traveler. And on top of that, there's a cute sciencey couple trying to figure it all out! This week we talk about Hide, and we all learn who Vince has a crush on.


Journey to the Centre of the Tardis

You've seen the Control Room, now get a look at the pool, library, observatory, closet, engine room, tree of life room, scary monster room, and... where the heck in the bathroom? Some of these questions get answered this week as we talk about the Series 7 episode, Journey to the Centre of the Tardis.


The Crimson Horror

If you like Victorian horror AND hijinks, then this is the episode for you! The Baker Street Irregulars (Vastra, Jenny and Strax)are back to team up with the Doctor and Clara as they take on a mean old woman and her... well... prehistoric leech. We'll get into it.


Nightmare in Silver

They're sleeker, they're shinier, they're upgradier, they're the Cybermen and they're back this time to get the Doctor, Clara and those two rascals she looks after. There are a lot of opinions about this second outing by writer Neil Gaiman. Find out where we come down on this one. Let us know what you think.


The Name of the Doctor

The final episode of Series 7 is here! Will we find out what makes Clara the Impossible Girl? Will we find out the name of the Doctor? Will we find out what that white stuff is that gets on chocolate? Seriously, what is that stuff?
This week we discuss the Name of the Doctor and all its Moffat-iness.


Series 7 Recap

It's been a heck of a series with companions going and coming, and classic monsters returning. This week we talk about everything that happened in Series 7! 



The Shorts

This week is a special one full of Doctors! We're talking about the Doctor Who Shorts, oddly enough this is one of our longest episodes.


Day of the Doctor

Geronimo! Allons-y! Oh for God's sake, let's just talk about the 50th Anniversary special already. 50 years in the making, this week we're talking about The Day of the Doctor.


Time of the Doctor

It's Christmas again this week and as the tradition has become in Doctor Who, someone is going to regenerate. This week we join the 11th Doctor on his last adventure, but the Doctor's adventures are far from over.


Let's Put a Bow on 11

Fez's are red, bowties are cool. We love the 11th Doctor, how about you?
This week we celebrate Matt Smith's run in the Tardis and talk about how the 11th Doctor changed the course of the program by reveling in the show's history.

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